A Shocking Method: Electro-Convulsive Therapy
The First-Line Combo: SSRI and CBT
Catalyzing Change: Exploring the Potential of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Cannabis and Pain
The Overlooked Epidemic: A Discussion On The Canadian Opioid Crisis
Music the Painkiller
Music Education: A Tool for Social and Emotional Learning
Music for Mental Health- Crutch or Kryptonite?
The Potential for Music in the Treatment of Addiction
Singing in the Brain
Ageing: It’s not all bad news
Ageing and Memory – Part II
Ageing and Memory - Part I
What did you say?
The Red Wine Controversy: Does A Glass A Day Really Keep the Doctor Away?
Growing Wiser
The Future of Psychedelics in Canada: What Changed and What's Next?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - of Psychedelics Research
Women in Psychedelics Panel, Hosted by UBC Psychedelic Society: A Review
Over the counter and outside the box
It's All In Your Head
... and your spinal cord ... and gut as well